First impressions are everything in today’s world, and a website is the first thing your potential clients will see when they Google you. If you’re on the fence about investing in a professional website (because, I know, it IS an investment), check out a few of these reasons that might help your decision.

One word: Trust

With social media monopolizing the internet, many clients ask me; “do I even need a website though? I have a Facebook, Instagram..” My answer, no matter what kind of business you have, is always going to be YES; if for no other reason than trust. Having a website validates you. It immediately shows potential clients that you’re a serious and legitimate business, because you’ve invested in a website. A Facebook page is important to have, but anyone with a personal account can start a business page for any type of product or service. A website requires a little more time and consideration, and that alone sets you on a different level.

Your current website is outdated

Again, you may be thinking this is not such a big deal if you have updated social media channels. But an outdated web design can come across as lazy. I recently read a study on Forbes called Trust and Mistrust of Online Health Sites. In it, 15 participants were told to search the web for health information that was relevant to them and determine which factors influenced trust of one site over another. Of all the factors mentioned for mistrusting a website, 94% were directly related to the web design elements, while only 6% were related to the content.


A website needs to be user-friendly and simple to navigate. Visitors to your site must be able to find information about you quickly and easily; if your site isn’t properly laid out, people will get frustrated and leave. Hiring a professional ensures that not only is your website aesthetically pleasing, but designed with your clients’ experience in mind.

Custom design

With so many do-it-yourself website builders out there, why bother hiring a professional? When you hire a professional, your site will be custom tailored to fit your business. DIY site builders can limit the capabilities of their site and often restrict graphics and text; hiring a professional ensures your brand is consistent across all your marketing platforms.

Your website will play a huge role in the success of your business, and is your biggest marketing tool; make sure you consider all angles and options before choosing what route is best for you and your business.