5 reasons you should hire a professional logo designer
Using an unprofessional or poorly designed logo for your business is like heading into a meeting with ketchup on your shirt. If you’re reading this and you own a small business, you know how important first impressions are. There’s an endless amount of reasons you should treat your logo design as an investment rather than an expense; but here’s a list of the top 5:
1. It’s the face of your business
You may be thinking that as long as you have a logo, you’re set. But in the modern business world, it’s not you that makes the first impression- it’s your logo. Your potential client is Googling, Facebooking, or Instagramming their many options. If they like what they see, you get a call- you don’t have a chance to say a word until then.
2. It builds trust
Why is this important? Say you’re starting out, or switching markets, or trying to gain more clientele- these are the reasons you’d be looking for a logo. There are many people who’ve been here in the game longer than you. Why should anyone choose you? Because you work hard? Your prices are better? Everyone says that. Visual cues are interpreted quickly and make or break a client’s decision.
3. A personal approach
Hiring a design professional to create a custom logo won’t be as cheap as ordering one online. There’s a reason for that. A professional will talk to you, listen to you, make changes based on your needs, and thoroughly research your business and your style. We thrive on creating the best possible logo for YOU and for YOUR business. Your logo won’t be templated from anyone else’s.
4. High quality graphics
This may not seem like a big deal initially- as long as you have the .jpg, you’re good right? Sure; until your business gets in full swing and you need to send that .eps file to the clothing shop for your merchandise, or that .ai file to the guys printing your signage. Having the right file formats is a key part of keeping your business professional.
5. It shows your commitment
If you’ve invested in the proper marketing materials, including logo design, your client will notice that. Having a professional logo shows you’re serious about your business, and this isn’t just a hobby for you. And if you don’t take your business seriously, why should they? A serious commitment to your own business shows your client the kind of commitment level they can expect from you.
There are so many more reasons why a professional logo design is important. We want to see you succeed, and we take the face of your business as seriously as you do. So if you’re in the market for a logo, give your local graphic designer a call- we know what’s up 😉